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Bengal tiger is obviously orange with black stripes,there are white tigers, completely white tigers which actually do not have stripes, there is also black tiger and extremely rare blue tiger.

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13y ago

the Bengal tiger can be white or orange with black and white

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What are the five species of white tiger?

All white tigers are of the Bengal tiger species. Their coloration is just a genetic variant.

What is between Bengal tigers and a normal tiger?

The Bengal cat is a hybrid breed of cat, formed by the cross of an Asian Leopard Cat and a domestic house cat. So the Bengal house cat is not a tiger. Answer 2 There is however, a Bengal tiger.

What differences are there between a Bengal tiger and a Bengal tiger cub?

Well Bengal tiger cubs are baby bengal tigers.

How is a Bengal tiger different from a normal tiger?

A Bengal tiger is a species of tiger, as is the Amur tiger.

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A Royal Bengal Tiger will win!!!!!

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A Royal Bengal Tiger will win!!!!!

How do you write an outline for a Bengal Tiger?

just write Bengal tiger

What species is the Bengal Tiger?

The Bengal tiger is Panthera Tigris Tigris.

Do you capitalize Bengal Tiger?

Bengal should be capitalized but tiger shouldn't be.

What is the common name for the white tiger?

I believe the common name for the white tiger is the Bengal Tiger.

How does a Bengal tiger have cubs?

they mate with a male Bengal tiger and then they have cubs its like what every other tiger does