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vertebartes possessing a four chambered hear are

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Birds and mammals

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Q: What other group of organisms would have the same amount of chambers as the pig heart?
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Do we have the same amount of chambers in our heart as the pig's heart?

Yes. All mammals have four heart chambers.

In what animal is the largest amount of heart chambers found?

There is a species of earthworm that has 8 heart chambers.

Which chambers of the heart have the greatest amount of myocardium around them?

It is the ventricles.

How many chambers does the heart have?

The heart has four chambers. There are two types of chambers, the atria and the ventricles. There are a pair of each on the right and left side. Human (mammal) hearts have 4, reptiles tend to 3, and some organisms go all the way down to one.

4 c in the hh?

i think it is 4 chambers in the Human Heart

Does the number of chambers affect the heart performance in one's organisms?

yes because of the chambers the circulation of the blood is classified into single circut circulation & double circut circulation.

How heart chambers does a person have?

4 heart chambers

Are the atria are the lower chambers of the heart?

No. The lower chambers of the heart are called the ventricles. The atria are the top chambers of the heart.

How many chambers are in humans heart?

There are 4 chambers to the heart.

How many chambers are there in the heart of a seahorse?

Their are 2 heart chambers.

How many chambers are in bird's heart?

The bird's heart has 4 chambers.

How many chambers are in a human heart?

The human heart has four chambers connected by valves. We have 2 smaller chambers on the upper half of our heart and two larger chambers on the bottom of our heart. The smaller chambers are called atria; the larger chambers are called ventricles. So we refer to these chambers as right and left atrium, and right and left ventricle.