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All guinea pigs are able to be trained, it is best to try younger ones, but the older pigs are able to be trained. I have successfully trained my guinea pig to sit up by slowly raising a piece of food above their head until they sit up for it. I then immediately gave the piece of food as a reward. Just be careful that the animal is on a flat surface where it won't get hurt. It may take some time, but it is very fun for you and your pet

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What is the probability of two black guinea pigs having black offspring?

depends on the two guinea pigs genotypes. could be anywhere from 75 to 100 percent.

Are guinea pigs a pig or?

No!!!!!!!They are actually part of the rodent family.

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Not sure, but guinea pigs aren't type of pigs. They're in the rodents family, and NOT pigs. Hope this helped?

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No. Gerbils produce gerbils and guinea pigs produce guinea pigs

What is guinea pig litter?

Male Guinea Pigs are called Boars, female Guinea Pigs are called Sows, and babby Guinea Pigs are called Pups. A group of Guinea Pigs is called a Herd. :)

Do they eat Guinea pigs in Equatorial Guinea?

No. Also, there aren't any guinea pigs in Equatorial Guinea.

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Are guinea pigs vegans?

Yes, guinea pigs are herbivores.

IS a guinea pig a reptilian?

No guinea pigs are not reptilian. Guinea pigs are mammals.

A description of ecosystem for guinea pigs?

GUinea pigs aren't found in the wild anymore. All guinea pigs are domesticated.