Ellen Whitaker was born on March 5, 1986.
Ellen Whitaker was born on March 5, 1986.
Ellen was born born March 5, 1986
Ellen Whitaker is Michael Whitaker's niece. Michael Whitaker is Ellen Whitaker's Uncle.
Ellen Whitaker is the daughter of rider Steven Whitaker and is niece of riders John Whitaker and Michael Whitaker.
Ellen Whitaker is a monolingual English speaker.
Ellen Whitaker lives in Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England.
Ellen Whitaker's mother is Beverley Whitaker. She is a former showjumper herself and has been a significant influence on Ellen's equestrian career.
they are called the Whitaker family they include: John Whitaker, Michael Whitaker, Steven Whitaker, Carol Whitaker, Robert Whitaker and finally Ellen Whitaker. sorry there are more im sure but that's all i know! x
Ellen Whitaker is 32 years old (birthdate: March 5, 1986).
Yes they are cousins
No! Ellen is Michael's niece, so in other words, Michael is Ellen's Uncle lol! :D