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their tongues will get scratched and gross because of the dirt in the quills and the sharpness of the quills.

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Q: What problems does it cause if hedgehogs groom themselves?
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How do hedgehogs bath?

They can only groom their undersides.

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The bride and groom can pay for it themselves.

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How did people in Africa groom themselves?

By bathing !

Why do tigers groom?

To keep themselves clean.

How do jaguars groom themselves?

Jaguars are cats. They groom themselves exactly the way house cats do: using their tongue and claws to smooth and clean their fur.

Why do rat's groom themselves?

i guess they lick their body

Do monkeys groom themselves?

Lake or pond nearby.

Do hamsters take baths?

No, hamsters do not need baths like humans. They are able to groom themselves using their tongues and paws to stay clean. Giving a hamster a bath can actually be harmful to their health, as it can strip their fur of natural oils and cause stress.

Why do cats lick their fur?

It's their way to clean themselves and keep themselves clean. It's how groom.