A Boomer is a male Kangaroo
A male kangaroo is a buck or a boomer.
A large male kangaroo is colloquially known as a "boomer".
A boomer is typically a colloquial term used to refer to a kangaroo, specifically a large male kangaroo.
a boomer is a male kangaroo and a roo is the female.
The male of any species of kangaroo is called a buck or boomer.
a mother kangaroo is called doe flyer or jill. a father kangaroo is called buck boomer or jack.
The females are called blue-fliers and the males are called boomers.
A male kangaroo is called a buck, boomer, or jack.Male kangaroos are often called "Bucks" or "Boomers".
A male kangaroo is called a buck, boomer, or jack.Male kangaroos are often called "Bucks" or "Boomers".
Boomer means a kangaroo. It usually refers to a large male kangaroo. Mobs of kangaroos make a loud 'booming' sound when they are on the move, particularly in the outback, which is free of human sounds. The booming sound resounds and resonates through the ground.
Young tree kangaroos are called joeys. This is the name given to all marsupial young.