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when is the best time to spay/nueter a female Airedale puppy?

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Q: When is the best time to spay a female Airedale puppy?
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A veterinarian can spay a female ferret.

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How much should it cost to spay your puppy?

That depends where you go.

How can you use spay in a sentence?

"Spay your female dog and she'll be happier and healthier."

What happens if you spay your puppy too early?

It could get sick and die.

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Does a spay female dog ovaulate?


What time after pregnancy can you spay a female cat?

wait until after their kittens are weaned for a while then spay.

Do you spay a dog or a cat?

You spay a female dog and cat, you neuter a male dog and cat.

Does a spay female dog ovulate?

No - the ovaries are removed.

What does 'spay' actually mean?

The term spay is used to mean the sterilization procedure performed on female cats and dogs. During the surgery, the female reproductive organs are removed.

How old should your cat be before she can have kittens?

About 2 years old. But is best to spay her. Female cats do not need to have a litter first.