If you are speaking of the breed of dog ... my answer is ME!
I would say that Labs are bigger, generally speaking.
No. The American pit bull terrier is the breed. "Eli" and "Razors Edge" are "lines". (And, generally speaking, not always good ones.)
First of all, I don't sponsor mixing pit-bulls with another breed. Now, speaking about pit-bull crosses, there is some cities and counties that has a ban on pit-bulls, mix of pit-bulls or any dog conforming to the bull terrier. You have to check you city or county to find about the law there. In the related links box below, I posted a good website that you could use to find about that.
Passion Pit is a slang word for drive in theater. Other than that, it is also the name of a rock band. To create a drive in theater would be difficult and expensive. If speaking of starting a rock band like Passion Pit, this would be easier, but would require talented musicians.
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A homophone for "pit" is "pit"; for "cavity" it is "caveatty".
An ash pit is a pit for the disposal of ashes.
* Pit Road * Pit Lane * Pit Stall
A composed pit is a pit which is used for depositing the waste materials.
in a pit in a pit