when it comes o bear, its dead as a meal
when it comes o bear, its dead as a meal
when it comes o bear, its dead as a meal
when it comes o bear, its dead as a meal
when it comes o bear, its dead as a meal
when it comes o bear, its dead as a meal
It Depends.
Bengal Tiger Vs. Sloth Bear: Depends, Tigers Occasionally Prey On Sloth Bears But Will Hunt Down Sloth Bears If Deer Are Scarce. However, Female Sloth Bears Have Been Recorded Chasing And Attacking Tigeresses Along And Scaring The Tiger Away. Sloth Bears Might Eat Tigers On Occasions But It Is Rare For Them To Kill Fully Grown Adults, However, Sloth Bears Can Kill More People Than Tigers. So A Tiger With A Man Eating Sloth Bear Would Be Unlikely For A Tiger To Win. Sloth Bears Are Fast Runners And Can Run Away Quickly But If It Is In Attack Mode, The Sloth Bear Would Use It's Long, Sharp Claws That Can Seriously Injure A Tiger On The Face. Sloth Bears Have Attacked About 745 People And Killed 48 People. Tigers Should Avoid Going Face To Face To Avoid Getting Swiped By The Bear's Claws. Tigers Kill Sloth Bears By Jumping On Their Back And Bites The Neck.
East Siberian Brown Bear Vs. Siberian Tiger: East Siberian Brown Bear, The East Siberian Brown Bear Is A Very Large Bear And Can Probably Take Down A Tiger With Ease. A Tiger Might Probably Try And Attack By Swiping On The Face But The Bear Would Just Crush The Tiger.
Ussuri Brown Bear Vs. Siberian Tiger: Depends, Like With The Tigers Preying On Sloth Bears, Tigers Occasionally Hunt Down Ussuri Brown Bears, Most Probably The Siberian Tiger Wins, But Bears Might Hunt Down Cubs, Sick, Old Or Injured Tigers.
South China Tiger Vs. Asiatic Black Bear: Depends, Mainly South China Tiger But South China Tigers Rarely Prey On Asiatic Black Bears But Asiatic Black Bears Might Occasionally Eat Tigers And Mostly Eat Cubs.
These two animals are capable of killing each other. It all depends on the age, health, and strength of each animals. Asiatic black bears can sometimes kill tigers when they enter in their territories, but tigers have also been known to kill black bears as well. Black bears are highly aggressive creatures and they are also quite powerful. However, a tiger could kill the black bear if it dodged its attacks and used its hunting skills to bring down the black bear. Tigers are more predatory in nature than all species of bears, except polar bears. A tiger (or lion) would usually be able to kill a black bear, but not a brown bear or a polar bear.
A bull might win because it has those long sets of sharp horns, deadly hooves, and tough armor skin for protecting against injuries from the tiger's claws and teeth. If the tiger leaped on the back of the bull, the bull would get pissed, and thus it would jump violently to shake the tiger off. Even though the tiger has claws and teeth, the bull's massive rage would knock down a tiger with its head or horns. Bulls have thick skin to protect itself from throat bitings. The bull would do its best to keep the tiger in front of it, and charging at it to death. In a case of a bull and a tiger fighting, most likely the bull might have a better chance of winning.
A Siberian tiger is stronger that a bull shark, but not a tiger shark.
Obvioussally a bull ant uhhh
They could, but do not usually fight with other predators.
Can go either way. Tiger would have more chance since it is larger and has more effective teeth but if they were the same size, bull shark would win- they are usually more aggressive towards their prey.
the bull
I would say bull shark because they're way swifter and probably have a stronger bite.
to go and see a bull fight i would go to SpainI think both Spain and Portugal
A hyena would win due to it agility and strength plus it is 2x as big as a pit bull
They kill it. The death of the bull is the climax of the bull fight.
a match for a tiger shark is a great white bull shark or a whale shark