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they are beautiful

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Q: Why are dolphins called Angels of the Sea?
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What is a dolphins home called?


Are sea angels nekton or benthos?

Dolphins are nekton because they actively swim and catch their food.

What are dolphins and sea turtles that are accidentally caught in fishnets called?


Do dolphins have their babies offshore or out to sea?

dolphins have their babies out at sea

Do dolphins live in the sea?

Yes, dolphins live in the sea.

What type of weather environment do dolphins have?

Dolphins live beneath the sea in the water. There is nothing called 'weather' under the ocean's surface.

What lives with dolphins?

Since dolphins live in the sea, sea creatures that God created live with dolphins.

Do dolphins live in streams?

no. dolphins live in the sea.

Where do Striped Dolphins Live?

in dolphins and porpons

Do dolphins swallow sea water?

Dolphins live in the sea water, but do not drink it. The ocean water is too salty for the dolphins system to handle.

What do you called a group a dolphins?

a group of dolphins is called a school of dolphins.

Do pink dolphins live in the sea?

yes, pink dolphins do live in the sea, they live in rivers and oceans as well.