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They are called elephant seals because they have long noses like a regular elephant.

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13y ago

They are the lions of the sea, have whiskers like lions but swim in the ocean

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Q: Why are elephant seals called elephant seals?
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Why are elephant seals are gray?

Because elephant seals are gray.

What eats elephant seals?

Killer wales eat elephant seals

Why are baby sea elephants not called babies?

Baby Elephant seals are called pups.

What is a group of elephant seals called?

GROUP NAME:COLONY xD =D :D :) =) X) ^_^

What is elephant seals subphylum?

What is aelephant seals subphylum

What is the height of southern elephant seals?

The height of southern and northern elephant seals are around 6' to 6' 6" The height of southern and northern elephant seals are around 6' to 6' 6"

What do female elephant seals look like?

Female Elephant seals (called cows) weigh 1 tonne and can be 3.5 metres long! They have silvery skin and big black eyes which help to hunt their prey!

Types of seals?

Harbor seals, Elephant seals, Ross seals, Weddell seals, Antarctica Fur seals, Leopard seals and Navy seals.

Do elephant seals have eggs or live babies?

When it comes to birth, elephant seals are perfectly normal mammals, with live births.

Why do elephant seals have blubber?

because they do

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What is an elephant seals color?
