It depends which size and age that wolves are. Pups are the cuttest thing in the world and regular wolves are cute too. But when they get angry it just looks ugly and even when they have rabies it looks ugly.
actually... wolves are not cruel beasts! They are gentle caring creatures. They only kill our livestock because they don't know any better, they are not as smart as humans, and they kill humans ONLY because we harmed them in some way. Wolves are always the "bad guy" in Fairy Tales and storys because of their appearance, but actually wolves are the most misunderstood animal on the planet.
Douglas H. Parker has written: 'Foxy hypocrites, belly beasts, hell hounds, cruel wolves, horse leeches, blind owls ... and other christians =' -- subject(s): Literature, Research
Wolves don't hurt, injure, or kill their own kind, especially their own young.
Some common beasts of the Arctic include polar bears, Arctic foxes, wolves, and reindeer. These animals have adapted to survive in the harsh Arctic climate and are integral parts of the region's ecosystems.
In the European mind, wolves long stood as a symbol of baneful, uncontrollable nature. As far back as the time of Aesop in 500 BCE (Before the Christian Era), wolves in literature are portrayed as wicked villains and long-fanged, terrible beasts. Before the Middle Ages, wolves were nearly always the greedy thief, criminal trickster, or cruel remorseless murderer. The wolf does not fare well in the European imagination. The wolf of the bestiary was reputed to have only one cervical vertebrae; thus he was unable to turn his head and look behind him. This is, of course, just folklore. Wolves can turn their heads
spiders,foxes,wolves,birds,crocodiles,most animals.... what u asking me for find out yourself.
People think that wolves are harmful to people. But the truth is that there is much more people who kill wolves. I don't think people should kill wolves because they don't like killing people and that they have to if people threatens them.
Zoo Beasts (PC) Zoo Beasts Junior (PC) Zoo Beasts Teen (PC) The Zoo Beasts' Journey (iPhone) Zoo Beasts on the Go (Wii) Little Zoo Beasts (DS)
Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.Convicted criminals were sentenced "to the beasts" in the Colosseum.
Beasts, You spelled it right
I think you have to kill all the bad guys/beasts there to proceed to the next place.You also have to be Good aligned to proceed after you've killed the wolves.
well to be honist it depends were in the world your talking about but hereare just a few: montain lions mountain wolves some species of snakes and lizards as well as sheep and goats ect hope i have helped!