They can, actually. The act of regurgitation is very, very similar to vomiting, except that it is a much less forceful, somewhat more "passive" process where food from the foregut is brought up--albeit gently--into the mouth to be chewed as cud. Vomiting is much more forceful, and usually an ominous sign in cattle signifying acute gastric distention issues, however it is rare to see a bovine vomit--same with horses.
The muscle that acts like a one-way valve where the esophagus connects to the stomach actually does its job, unlike in humans where it can let food travel the opposite direction, back to the mouth. Another reason that horses can not vomit is because the esophagus is connected to the stomach at an angle where it is forced shut when the horses stomach bloats. This can cause colic when the horses stomach bloats, and untreated, the stomach will rupture and the horse will die.
No, but calves can (those that are younger than three to four months of age) because they don't have a fully developed rumen and rely on the abomasum for their primary digestion of foods like milk.
However, some may argue that the way cattle get a bolus of partially digested feed to come up to be rechewed is considered throwing up or vomiting. But vomiting and regurgitation, though they are different words that mean similar things, are only just that--similar: Vomiting or throwing up refers to the act of ejecting one's stomach contents through the mouth (and can often be violent), not bringing them up, which is the definition of regurgitation. Thus, it is safe to say that no, cows don't throw up as in the context of vomiting, but they do regurgitate in order to chew partially digested forage.
horses cant vomit!
There is no official record for the farthest distance a horse has spit vomit. Horses typically do not spit vomit intentionally as a means of communication or defense.
Horses do not vomit
they have a traciectomie esophagus, meaning they can't vomit, so you have to careful what you feed them because they cant vomit is back up and to get it out of their system it has to go through.
They cant throw up (vomit) but i dont know if there are any other animals that cant throw up either :)
simple answer.. no they cant vomit the angle of the horses esophagus does not allow food to return up.
strange fact is that horses cannot vomit.
Horses cant vomit that's why it can be fatal it can twist there guts. And that's when they can't function corretly and then they die.
many can things like horses and zebras cant because they have a sort of 1 way system which means it can only go out of their bottoms and not their mouths.
There is no answer to this, as it's physically impossible for horses to vomit.
Horses cannot vomit.
They way horses stomachs are, they can never vomit Some people also cannot as there stomach has been moved