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Because live ones squeal when you stick the fork in.

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Q: Why did the guy eat two dead skunks for breakfast?
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Related questions

Do skunks eat skunks?

Skunks are carnivores. They kill and eat small animals and insects.

Do skunks eat fruit?

Skunks are omnivores and are capable of eating pretty much anything a human can. They will definitely eat human garbage if they can get to it, so I don't see any reason they wouldn't eat the pre-garbage version of the same thing.

How do you bait skunks?

The Critter Guy here in Canada provides food in a big trap so skunks will be attracted to the food's smell.

When do baby skunks stink?

Baby skunks could spray on you because it's their natural way to defend themselves from their predators. If you have a group of baby skunks in your house, contact the Critter Guy if you're in Canada.

How do you remove a skunks oder?

Clean your house, Use disinfectant. I clean my house after The Critter Guy removes the skunks in my attic to get rid of that stinky smell.

Why do baby skunks smell more than adult skunks?

I suggest getting rid of it as soon as possible. If you're in Ontario, contact The Critter Guy.

How do you scare of skunks?

If you have a problem with skunks, you better call a professional pest removal service and let them do the work. I highly recommend The Critter Guy if you're in Ontario, Canada.

Why are skunks gross?

It's not really gross, but the spray of the skunks, it's really stinky. I cannot handle the smell of it that's why every time we see skunks living inside our house, we immediately call The Critter Guy here in Ontario.

Are there real skunks?

Yes, Especially here in Canada were skunks sometimes go on our backyard. Good thing there are pest control or Skunk removal here in Canada which is The Critter Guy because it really stinks and worried about my daughters health.

Do skunks have tails?

Raccoons just have a fur but don't have wings even babies that The Critter Guy take away inside my house not born with a wings. Chicken does.

If a guy asked you out for Sunday breakfast does it mean he likes you?


Who was the guy on the Verizn Wireless dead zone commercial that played the guy at the desk?

a dead dood