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The vet will give the cat an antibiotic. This will probably be by injection, because cats are very difficult to give medicine by mouth.

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Q: Your cat got spayed and you think she has a infection what will the vet do?
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Your cat got spayed and you think she has a infection just below the stitches?

Take her back to the vet. If you wait too long, she may die from it. Better to be safe, than sorry.

Why has your dog has got womb infection?

This is very common in female dogs who have not been spayed. Either that, or they get endrometritus That is why it is advisable to get them spayed.

My cat is 12 years old and she has a little bit of stomach can she be pregnant?

If she hasn't been spayed and got outside while in season, yes she could be. If she's spayed, she might just be overeating. Consult your vet if she seems to be gaining weight.

My male cat Roberto hisses at my female cat Della they are both neutered and spayed and even before we got Della Roberto hissed at female cats Can any of you professionals out there tell my why?

I'm not a professional, but I have had some experience with cats, and I think the most likely explanation is that Roberto simply does not like female cats.

Why is your dog twitching after getting spayed?

It's just like cat's, you're dog is twitching because it has'nt got used to being spayed because it's trying not to give birth to the baby's.So the female dog try's to force the baby's up and eat them.

What is the post surgery like after puppy is spayed?

Your vet should give you a list of directions after your puppy is spayed. Don't give them a bath for at least the first 10 days, restrict activity, monitor the wound for any signs of infection, don't let them get wet etc. :) (another writer) Also ask your vet for something you can give them for post-operative pain. Mine got a pill that lasted, I think, 24 hours.

Will a male feral cat kill spayed females?

It is not common for male feral cats to kill spayed females. However, males may fight with each other over territory or mating rights. It is always best to monitor their interactions and provide separate shelters if needed.

What is the meaning of 'has a cat got your tongue'?

The phrase "has a cat got your tongue" is a way of asking someone why they are not speaking or why they are being silent. It is often used playfully to encourage someone to speak up.

Have mother cat spayed after kittens?

Yes, you can have a mother cat spayed some time after she's had kittens, but not straight away. Get your vet's advice. If you're not a registered breeder, it's a very good idea to get your cat spayed so that there isn't an extra problem of more unwanted kittens.

How old must a kitten be to get spayed?

A cat is never "too old" to be spayed if it is in good health (ie. able to safely undergo anesthetic). Spaying cats at older ages does mean losing some of the health benefits of spaying them while they are young. I would check with your vet just to be sure

My puppy got spayed then a few days later I found out intestines were intertwined is it a act of god or did something happen during the spayed surgery?

the spayed surgery is unlikely to have affected his intestines. It's probably the stomach contracting on itself (did you feed it?) 177

What does 'lve' stand for?

I have like "I've got a cat" is "I have got a cat"