

What is a plan of action?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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A plan of action can range from simple to complex. The plan typically has individual steps to reach a particular goal; on simple plans, the steps may be so habitual, that we don't even think of them as steps anymore. For example:

Simple Goal and Plan of Action

Goal: Go to the store to buy milk


  1. get up from my chair
  2. change my clothes so I am presentable
  3. comb my hair
  4. put on my shoes
  5. get my coat
  6. find my car keys
  7. grab my purse or wallet - do I have the money with me
  8. step out the door; lock the door
  9. unlock the car, get in, turn on the car
  10. drive to store
  11. stop car, get out, lock car
  12. go into store
  13. find the milk
  14. pay for milk, return home using many of the same steps I used before

A goal can be:

  • pass HS classes
  • Apply to college
  • look for a job
  • etc.

The more complex the goal, the more individual "steps" you will need to take. "Steps" can be broken down--and should be broken down--into their smallest pieces to ensure success. "Apply to College" can feel overwhelming, but listing each small step makes the process feel manageable.

A plan of action can work for any task or goal.

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