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int p,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5;

printf("enter marks of 5 subjects");


















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Q: C program to print a mark sheet of students and the number of students is the user input for 5 subjects?
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C program to print mark sheet of 5 subjects and the number of students is user input?


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No, as long as it calculates something, displays something, or otherwise has an output that benefits the user, it is a program. It could be a program that makes a random number, or a program that tells the user a joke from a database.

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<script type = "text/javascript"> var input; var rev = 0; input=window.prompt ("Please enter a 5-digit number to be reversed."); input = input * 1; while (input > 0) { rev *= 10; rev += input % 10; input /= 10; } document.write ("Reversed number: " + rev); </script>

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Assuming you've entered a multi-digit number whole number (an integer), then take the modus (%) of the number and 10. E.g., if the number input was 1234, then 1234 % 10 is 4. Thus the final digit is 4. Note that modus 10 is the same as dividing the number by 10 and taking the remainder.

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Use Wolfram|Alpha... go to the related link below, Wolfram|Alpha, and type in (is __ (number) prime) and then the program will compute that and tell you if it is prime or composite.

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A robust program is a program that will accept junk input and not crash. Example: a program that accepts "pancakes" for a date input and pops up a error box or just uses a date input so that this does not happen is a robust program.

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An input would be a register. Tutors input which students are attending or aren't. Nipples.