Please move to the next classroom.
This classroom is damp and chilly.
"I have to use the alphabet to form a sentence" Is a sentence you can use, using the word "alphabet"...If that's what you were asking.
I have the sharpest eyes in my classroom.
Do not be afraid. There is nothing to be afraid of.
The boy somersaulted into the water.
When do you anticipate his arrival- When do you expect him-
This classroom has more chairs than that one.
My teacher was labeling the classroom;
The word we're is a contraction of we are or we were. Example sentence:We're the ones who were making all the noise outside the classroom.
My classroom has 5 textbooks.
the big quiet classroom was freakishly awkward
Josh was acting very peevishly in the classroom.
Layla staged a coup when she tried to take over the classroom.
"The girl felt stifled in the small and hot classroom."
The majority of the people in the classroom didn't have any pencils because they lost it.
With all the laughter in the classroom, the teacher couldn't help but laugh along.
Make a sentence using hypothesis, controlled experiment and variable. Make a sentence using hypothesis, controlled experiment and variable.
this is a sentence using the word armchair.