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No, Cain did not marry Seth. Him and Seth were actually brothers.

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Q: Did Cain marry Seth
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Who were Seth and Cain?

Seth and Cain were brothers, children of Adam.

How man children did Adam and Eve have?

The sons had to marry their sisters. Adam and Eve were the only 2 people on the earth.

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What do Cain Able and Seth represent?

Cain, Abel and Seth represent themselves. They were the first three children of the world. Adam and Eve were never children.

Who is the nephew of Cain?

Ion. Enosh is the son of Seth and would therefore be Cain's nephew.

Who was Cain's nephew?

Enos, son of Abel's younger brother Seth, was Abel's nephew. Cain had already slain Abel by the time Seth was born.

What was Adam and Eve's two sons?

Cain, Abel,and Seth were their sons,but Cain killed Abel out of jealousy.

Who was Seth's grandmother?

Seth had no grandmother. He was the 3rd son of Adam and Eve, born after Cain killed Abel.

Adam s sons names?

Cain, Able, and Seth

What were the names of Adam's and Eve's sons?

Cain.Genesis 4:1"Now the man had marital relations with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. Then she said, "I have created a man just as the Lord did!" Then she gave birth to his brother Abel. Abel took care of the flocks, while Cain cultivated the ground."The firstborn was Cain

What were Adam and Eve sons called?

They had many sons , but the most popular are abel and Cain.

Adam and Eve had two sons Cain Abel Cain killed Abel then went on to marry and have children Who was his wife?

The bible mentions Seth, but not all the others. He either married a sister or a close relative.