2 syllables.
The dictionary notates correct pronunciation of "any", as an-y; 2 syllables.
The word 'answer' has 2 syllables. An-swer.
There are five syllables in "waves come in and out". Each word consists of one syllable.
There are four syllables in the word "usually".
There are 2 syllables in he word annoyed.
2 syllables.
No, the word 'annoy' is NOT a noun. The word 'annoy' is a verb.The noun form of the verb to annoy is annoyance, an abstract noun as a word for a concept.
The Luhya word for the English word 'Annoy' is "Sinyisia".
Irritate, bother, pester..any of these the one you're looking for?
four syllables... pre/sen/ta/tion.. FYI: "No. of syllables = No. of vowel sounds" for any word
It has 4 syllables. If you have questions about the syllables of any other word, check a dictionary, they will always have the syllables. 
The word any has two syllables. An-y.
The dictionary notates correct pronunciation of "any", as an-y; 2 syllables.
The word ' uncertain ' has 3 syllables ( un-cer-tain ).