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Some countries only use Roman Numerals, so they use it a lot.

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Q: How are roman numerals used in our society?
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Related questions

Who in society used roman numerals?

Ancient Romans.

What is Mpcplxxx in Roman Numerals?

P is not used in Roman numerals.

What where roman numerals used for?

Roman numerals were used for writing numbers in ancient rome.

How are Roman Numerals related to Roman science?

Numerals are used for mathematical calculations. Mathematical calculations are used in science. This is the way Roman numerals related to Roman science.

How do you write 360 in roman numerals?

CCCLX is the number 280 in roman numerals. This number is used to represent what roman used to write.

Were roman numerals used in Medieval Times?

Yes, roman numerals were used in medieval times.

Are roman numerals still used today?

Yes, Roman Numerals are still used today. Sometimes, it is used in libraries and charts. Here is a chart with Roman Numerals. I. Jobs and Education 1. Education A. Roman Numerals II. Jobs

How were roman numerals used?

Roman numerals are used as numbers. For example, the roman numeral for the number one is an I. The system can be used for any number.

What is 1221 in Roman numerals?

The numbers 1221 in Roman numerals is MCCXXI. Roman numerals is the numeric system that was used in ancient Rome and is still used on some clocks and watches.

In roman numerals what is mn?

"n" is not one of the symbols used in traditional Roman numerals.

What are the uses of Roman Numerals today?

the roman numerals are today used forbook chaptersmathclocksetc

What year were Roman Numerals first used?

it was used when the Romans were still around that's why its called Roman Numerals