A bar over a Roman numeral indicates that the number is to be multiplied 1000 times. M represents 1000, so an M with a bar over it would be one million.
To write four million in roman numeral, you would need 4,000 M's to equal 4,000,000 (one M = 1,000)Improved Answer:-It is: ((CD)) because it represents 10*1000*400 = 4,000,000
The number 100,000,000 can be represented by the Roman numeral [C] with a horizontal bar placed above it (which I can't write with my keyboard).
The roman numeral for the number one can be written as I or i. On a keyboard, it is typed using the "I", not the "1".
The Roman numeral for 1,000,000 is M with a bar over it. The M is the Roman numeral for 1,000 and the bar over it means it is multiplied by 1,000. (1,000 x 1,000 = 1,000,000 M (for 1000) is the largest unique Roman numeral. To make larger ones you draw a line over the numeral to signify it being multiplied by 1000. One million is 1000x1000, so it would be an M with a line above it. One million as a Roman numeral is: (M) which means 1,000*1,000 = 1,000,000
To write four million in roman numeral, you would need 4,000 M's to equal 4,000,000 (one M = 1,000)Improved Answer:-It is: ((CD)) because it represents 10*1000*400 = 4,000,000
MClImproved Answer:-It is: (M)CI which means 1,000*1,000+100+1 = 1,000,101
The number 31,000,000 in Roman numerals would be [XXXI] with a horizontal bar placed over it (which I can't write with my keyboard).
The number 100,000,000 can be represented by the Roman numeral [C] with a horizontal bar placed above it (which I can't write with my keyboard).
The roman numeral for the number one can be written as I or i. On a keyboard, it is typed using the "I", not the "1".
The Roman numeral for 1,000,000 is M with a bar over it. The M is the Roman numeral for 1,000 and the bar over it means it is multiplied by 1,000. (1,000 x 1,000 = 1,000,000 M (for 1000) is the largest unique Roman numeral. To make larger ones you draw a line over the numeral to signify it being multiplied by 1000. One million is 1000x1000, so it would be an M with a line above it. One million as a Roman numeral is: (M) which means 1,000*1,000 = 1,000,000
MIImproved answer:The above answer represents 1,001 in Roman numerals but 1,000,001 in Roman numerals is:(M)I or MI but with a line above the numeral M to indicate multiplication by a thousand.Numerals in brackets also indicate multiplication by a thousand.