As "it" is 1 syllable, it would simply be "it".
Tiny is 2 syllables. Ti-ny.
As "straight" is 1 syllable, it would simply be "straight".
It doesn't have a syllable break as it only has one syllable.
A syllable break is the "break" between each syllable of a word.For example, the word "bankrupt" has two syllables = bank - rupt.The - represents the syllable break.
There is no syllable break as the word "blew" only has one syllable.
Flight doesn't have a syllable break as there is only one syllable.
The syllable break in the word "hole" is at the end of the word, making it a single syllable word.
The syllable break in "jungle" is before the letter "g," making it "jun-gle."
The syllable break for 'circle' is in the middle between 'cir' and 'cle'.
Since it only has one syllable, there is no break. Similar 1-syllable words are bred, bread and brayed.
The syllable break in the word "page" is between the 'p' and 'a' – pag-e.
It's ONE syllable
The stress is on the first syllable: CAB i net
The syllable break in the word "though" is usually between the 'o' and 'u' — 'tho-ugh'.