How do you say 593,493,794 in french.
you say Timothy in French (Timohuy)
To say 110 in French, you would say "cent dix."
To achieve is "réussir" in French.
Exact is the same in French too!
A jigsaw is "une scie sauteuse" (fem. - electric machine saw) or "un puzzle" (masc. - for a jigsaw puzzle)
crossword puzzle
"Sweet" in French as an adjective to describe someone is "doux/douce".
You could say that your favourite puzzle is the one you score highest in.
When you get there it will say something about 1250 or something and the stone puzzle answer thing is 50
The Puzzle Place - 1994 You Say Potato 1-32 was released on: USA: 1995
to say is the verb 'dire' in French.
In French, to say 'she' , you say:Elleeg. elle s'appelle comment?In French, to say 'he', you say:Il
To say "French assignment" in French, you can say "devoir de français."
You say "j'aime le français" to say "I love French" in French.
The verb 'to say' is 'dire' in French.