date de naissance
date de naissance
Your date of birth and your age.
"My date of birth" is a literal English equivalent of the French phrase ma date de naissance. The pronunciation of the feminine singular prepositional phrase will be "ma daht duh neh-sawnss" in French.
"quelle est la date"
date de naissance
date de naissance
"Quelle est la date de naissance" means "What is the date of birth" in French.
Your date of birth and your age.
There is no Oriste in JLS. Fercryinoutloud, can't you spell his name correctly?
CORRECTED: date de naissance [dat der nay-sahn-ser]
Date de naissance is a French equivalent of the English phrase "date of birth." The feminine singular noun, preposition, and feminine singular noun may be preceded by the feminine singular definite article la ("the") or indefinite une ("a, an"). The pronunciation will be "daht duh neh-sawss" in French.
"My date of birth" is a literal English equivalent of the French phrase ma date de naissance. The pronunciation of the feminine singular prepositional phrase will be "ma daht duh neh-sawnss" in French.
"Lieu de naissance" is a French term that translates to "place of birth" in English. It refers to the specific location where a person was born.
"jour de naissance" (properly spelled 'date de naissance' in French) means date of birth.