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The girl collected fourteen points in the contest.

I had fourteen points, but I needed thirty.

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Q: How do you use fourteen points in a sentence?
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What is a sentence using the word fourteen points?

I scored fourteen points in the first quarter!

Would fourteen points be capitalized in a sentence?

No, "fourteen points" should not be capitalized unless it is the title of a specific document or plan (e.g., Wilson's Fourteen Points). In a regular sentence, it should be written as "fourteen points."

When was Fourteen Points created?

Fourteen Points was created in 1918.

What was the goal of the Fourteen points?

The Fourteen Points was a plan in order to create a just and lasting peace, therefore, that was the goal of the Fourteen Points.

How would you use the word fourteen in a sentence?

there are fourteen chocolate bars. i am fourteen years old. that cat lady has collected fourteen cats so far

What was goal of Woodrow wilsons fourteen points?

The Fourteen Points was a plan in order to create a just and lasting peace, therefore, that was the goal of the Fourteen Points.

How would you describe the fourteen points?

The Fourteen Points were Woodrow Wilson's plan for Peace after World-War I. Democracy and free trade were important bases on the Fourteen Points.

What is fourteen points?

Fourteen Points were first outlined in a speech Wilson gave to the American Congress in January 1918. Wilson's Fourteen Points became the basis for a peace programme and it was on the back of the Fourteen Points that Germany and her allies agreed to an armistice in November 1918 .

Was free trade one of the fourteen points?

Free trade was one of the Fourteen Points. The Fourteen Points were part of a public statement given by President Woodrow Wilson at the end of WWI.

What were the problems wrong with the fourteen points?

The problems were that he made Germany go by all of the rules that were in the Fourteen Points

How many points was on wilsons plan for world peace?

It was fourteen points on wilson's plam for peace

Why did quaid i azam issue his fourteen points?

Quaid-i- Azam issue his fourteen points in Neru report