1000 in roman numerals = M
There are many different ways one might write the numbers '608.' If one desires to write the numbers '608' in Roman numerals, one would write 'DCVIII.'
I to CC
well if you mean in Roman numerals then it would be I I/II if not then i don't know 1 1/2
You must be from Oklahoma and searching for the answer to a clue.
1000 in roman numerals = M
One half million = 500,000 In Roman numerals, this is: D with a line above it 1.5 million = 1,500,000 In Roman numerals, this is MD with a line above both letters.
There are many different ways one might write the numbers '608.' If one desires to write the numbers '608' in Roman numerals, one would write 'DCVIII.'
I to CC
well if you mean in Roman numerals then it would be I I/II if not then i don't know 1 1/2
The year 2012 in Roman numerals would be written as MMXII. The RapidTables website has a converter that can be used to convert standard numbers in to Roman numerals.
You must be from Oklahoma and searching for the answer to a clue.
1000 in roman numerals = M
(M) or M with a line above.
mxxxviiii Or: MXXXIX