It's hard to say. Jesus is central, but God the father is the essence of Christianity - as it was he who sent Jesus, it was he to whom Jesus atoned for humanity's sins, and it is he to whom Jesus directed his most famous prayer, saying "when you pray, pray like this...." before he spoke the words which we know as The Lord's Prayer..... which starts "Our Father...."
In the King James version of The Bible
the word - father - appears 979 times
the word - father's - appears 148 times
the word - fatherless - appears 43 times
the word - fathers - appears 538 times
the word - fathers' - appears 10 times
430 of those are in the New Testament.
yes, Jesus was the father of Christianity but it a another tribe that gave the people their name.
Christianity is named after Jesus Christ who established His Father's 'Church of God' called such about a dozen times in the New Testament.
there is only one god with three entities- god the father, god the son, and god the holy spirit
In Christianity the spiritual meaning of the number 3 represents the holy trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit
early missionaries sailed through the sea to places like Ephesus
Because He is the father of Judaism
Because Jesus (a jew) is known as the father of Christianity.
The Trinity: God (the father); Jesus; Holy Spirit then arguably Peter James the Just
Abraham, who is also regarded as a father of Christianity.
The founding father of Christianity is Jesus himself without him we would not know the joys of God almighty.
i have no irea Save
God, the father
Christianity. Music is important in Christianity to sing praises to the Lord.
A number of religions developed out of Christianity. The most important of these is Islam.
yes, Jesus was the father of Christianity but it a another tribe that gave the people their name.
Yes, it is important to study Christianity, but not necessarily for the purpose of becoming a Christian. It is important to study merely because it is good to have a well-rounded view of the world, and to understand and accept all people as equals.From the Bible's viewpoint:Yes, it is important to study Christianity, because it represents things related to the Creator sending his Son to earth, to redeem mankind from the effects of sin, sickness and death. Not only is it important to 'study' Christianity; it is highly important to 'practice' it, if you wish to receive its promises. Christ promised everlasting life to those who follow Him. Studying about Christianity helps you to see what Jehovah God requires from mankind, in the way of righteous standards. Christ tells mankind what is 'righteous' and what is 'unrighteous' from his Father's standpoint.