There are 365 days in a year. If it is a leap-year, then there are 366 days.
There are 365 days in a year.
There are 365 days in a year except leap year when there are 366 days.
There are 366 days in a leap year!
324 days have elapsed this year.
No January ALWAYS has 31 days. It is the month of February that has a variable number of days, 28 in a normal year and 29 in a leap year.
Each month. And it is a leap year, not a leep year!
364 days and 365 in a leep year
because it is a leep year.
No. If the year number can be divided by four then it's a leap year. 2012=Leap year.
No, you wait until the pregnancy has ended, and then have the LEEP.
there birthdeay will be on the bigining of march
Yes, you can still get pregnant and have children after a LEEP.
Depends on how accurate you want it to be. 365 days=1year,,,52 weeks=1year,,, But their are other factors,Such as Leep years!
LEEP is not normally done on pregnant women.
The LEEP procedure would not affect your period.