In marathi, fig is called Anjir.
what are the names of our fingers in marathi
What is the meaning of var-var vachne(marathi sent) in marathi
Cycle is called chakra in Marathi
Jardalu in Marathi
Marathi language has approximately 70 million words.
There are many directories available to give information on Marathi blogs: But following are some most useful and famous blogs 1 : 2 : Marathi unlimited
There are many names for dresses in Marathi. Some of them include: Purkar Polka, Chanya Cholee, Chudidaar and many more.
One can find more information about Marathi Kavita in Marathi literature books, online websites dedicated to Marathi poetry, libraries with Marathi literature collections, and from discussions with Marathi poets and scholars. Joining Marathi poetry clubs or attending Marathi poetry events can also provide more insights and resources.
Marathi is a language that is used in India. This information can be found online.
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Many common marathi last names end in "kar"- Kanekar, Kashikar, Chindarkar, etc.
If you go on to Google, you will find many places to watch Zee Marathi in Michigan. If you have a computer, you can go on Youtube and get many of the shows, for free.
Literal translation : Mala marathi mahiti aahe. figurative translation : mala marathi kalate(samajte).
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