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Thirteen surviving letters, or epistles, are attributed to Saint Paul. However, Raymond E Brown (An Introduction to the New Testament) says that scholars are almost unanimous in attributing only seven to Paul. A computer analysis of the texts has cast doubt on two of these, in which case Paul may have written as few as five of the letters in the New Testament.

AnswerThirteen letters in the new testament scriptures bear the name of the Apostle Paul as writer. A longstanding tradition regards Paul as the author of the letter to the Hebrews, but recent scholars find that conclusion doubtful for various reasons, including the style and vocabulary of the Greek text.

At least seven Pauline epistles are widely considered to be genuine, and of these five have been shown by computer analysis to contain exactly the same writing or dictation style: Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Philemon and Galatians. The two that may, with some confidence, have been written by Paul, but do not match the style of Galatians are Philippiansand 1 Thessalonians.

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How many letters of St. Paul did not make it into the Bible?

ANSWER: The world may never know. GOD only inspired the men of GOD to put in the Bible, the letters of Paul that He wanted, too.

Who wrote the 21 letters in the bible?

St. Paul the Apostle is credited for writing the epistles.

Why did St. Paul write St Timothy so many letters?

Christian scholars refer to the letters to Timothy (and Titus) as the 'Pastorals' because they are concerned with pastoral issues that became important in the second century. They were not really written by Paul, nor were they written to Timothy, but were encyclicals to the Church at large, providing instruction for the overseers of congregations in the second century. By writing two epistles and attributing them to Paul, the author created a marvelous fiction in order to place a church manual of discipline from the mid-second century in the very beginning of the apostolic tradition.Their attribution to Paul is clearly fictional, for their language, style and thought are thoroughly un-Pauline. The 'personal' references to particular occasions in the lives of Timothy, Titus, and Paul do not fit with reconstructions of that history taken from the authentic letters of Paul.The letters were not included in Marcion's list of Paul's letters (ca 140 CE), nor do they appear in the earliest manuscript collection of Paul's letters (ca. 200 CE). The first quotations from the epistles appear in lrenaeus' Against Heresies, dated about 180 CE.

Why did St. Paul write 21 letters?

A:The apostle Paul may well have written 21 or more letters, but most of these have not survived to the present day. The 13 New Testament epistles attributed to St Paul are Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon. Many scholars now accept only Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Philemon, Galatians, Philippiansand 1 Thessalonians as genuine. A.Q. Morton goes further, having carried out a computer analysis of the epistles attributed to Paul and found that only Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians and Philemon contain exactly the same writing style as Galatians. Thus, Paul personally wrote only 5 or 7 of the letters traditionally attributed to him, with the remainder written in his name after his death. Apart from Philemon, Paul's letters were written to cajole and instruct the churches in various matters. Philemon was written to a fellow-Christian on behalf of a slave whom Paul was sending back to his owner.

What do Paul's teachings add to emergent Christian beliefs?

The letters and teachings of St Paul helped to give early Christian communities hope and strength to keep believing through hard times of persecution.

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Where is St. Paul mentioned in the Bible?

St Paul is found in the bible many times He has letters from him to someone or a city (known as epistles) - such as the letter of Paul to the Corinthians, letters to Timothy 1 and 2 and others.

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St. Paul wrote two letters to the church of Corinth, now known as 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians.

What were Pauls letters called?

If you're referring to St. Paul's letters in the New Testament, they are called epistles.

How many letters of St. Paul did not make it into the Bible?

ANSWER: The world may never know. GOD only inspired the men of GOD to put in the Bible, the letters of Paul that He wanted, too.

Where in the Bible are the passages of St Paul?

St Paul's letters are in the New Testament, beginning with Romans, and continuing through to Titus.

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They were called letters.

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No Paul was alive during the New Testament times.

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No, St. Jude did not write any of the letters in the New Testament. The Epistle of Jude in the New Testament is attributed to Jude, the brother of James, not the apostle St. Jude.

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Epistles - as from St. Paul, St. Peter. St. John, St. James and St. Jude.

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Historians are uncertain about whether St. Paul had any siblings as there is no specific mention of them in historical records or the Bible. St. Paul himself does not mention any siblings in his letters.

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----------------------- There is universal agreement among scholars that both Paul's epistles to the Corinthians are genuine. Paul wrote them.

Which saint was famous for writing a lot of letters to the early christion communities?

St. Paul, also known as the Apostle Paul, was famous for writing many letters to the early Christian communities. These letters, also known as the Pauline epistles, are important texts in the New Testament and provide guidance and teachings to the early Christians. St. Paul played a significant role in spreading and consolidating the teachings of Christianity in the first century.