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Q: How many syllables anaesthetic?
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How many pages does Local Anaesthetic - novel - have?

Local Anaesthetic - novel - has 358 pages.

What gas is in anaesthetic?

Nitrous oxide is currently used as an anaesthetic in medicine

When was Local Anaesthetic - album - created?

Local Anaesthetic - album - was created in 2008.

When was Local Anaesthetic - novel - created?

Local Anaesthetic - novel - was created in 1969.

Can endoscopy be performed general anaesthetic?

Yes, you have three options. General anaesthetic, conscious sedation or no-sedation at all. I'd recommend General Anaesthetic.

What is the symbol for anaesthetic gas?

anaesthetic gas dose not have a symbol because it is not a proper gas.

What is the definition of anaesthetic?

Capable of rendering insensible; as, anaesthetic agents., Characterized by, or connected with, insensibility; as, an anaesthetic effect or operation., That which produces insensibility to pain, as chloroform, ether, etc.

What is the meaning of anaesthetic?

Capable of rendering insensible; as, anaesthetic agents., Characterized by, or connected with, insensibility; as, an anaesthetic effect or operation., That which produces insensibility to pain, as chloroform, ether, etc.

How many syllables are there in the symphony How many syllables are there in the word of symphony?

There are 3 syllables in symphony:sym/pho/ny

How many syllables in the word stomach?

there are 2 syllables in stomach. To see why, search 'How many syllables in attack?'

How many syllables are in the word supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus?

There are 14 syllables.

How many syllables in wistfully?

There are two syllables in "wistfully."