The word decorate has 3 syllables de-co-rate
The word 'answer' has 2 syllables. An-swer.
There are four syllables in the word "usually".
There are 2 syllables are in the word advance.
The word antelope has three syllables. The syllables in the word are an-te-lope.
There are three syllables in the word "decorate" (dec-o-rate).
The word decorate has 3 syllables de-co-rate
de cor ation
No, "decorate" has two syllables. It is pronounced as "dec-o-rate."
Yes, decorate is three syllables. dec-o-rate.
They all have three syllables apart from temperature which has four. However, in some pronunciations, the word temperature also has three syllables. (the third syllable is omitted)
The word 'answer' has 2 syllables. An-swer.
3. DE-cor-ate (pronounced deh-core-ate)
There are four syllables in the word "usually".