There is 7 syllables in that sentence.
There are two syllables in pilot - pi/lot.
There are 14 syllables.
There is 1 syllable. There's a lot going on in that word; there are lots of different sounds. But syllables usually follow pronounced vowels.
it has three syllables
There are two syllables. A-lot.
The phrase "but I learn a lot" has five syllables.
There is 7 syllables in that sentence.
There are three syllables. Al-lot-ment.
There are two syllables. Pi-lot.
There are two syllables in pilot - pi/lot.
The word pilot has two syllables. The syllables in the word are pi-lot.
This sentence has eight syllables. Fish - eat - worms - a - lot - when - eat-ing.
If you mean you have a lot of knowledge, it is 2 syllables. If it means acquired by experience, it is 1 syllable.
Each word has one syllable.22
Pilot has two syllables: pi-lot
I see and hear only two syllables in woman. A woman, however, has a lot more!