How many time does the word world appear in 1 john
As many as needed. It is time.
In the King James version the words - this day - appear 325 times
The word Federalism does not appear even once in the Constitution. At the time, the founding fathers essentially created a unique type of government and so it is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution.
The concepts of democracy and constitution were created in one particular place and time but history can trace it as far back as 508 BC in ancient Athens.
Declaration of Independence: July 4, 1776 Constitution went into effect on March 4, 1789 Democracy was used as far back as ancient Greece; I think America had the first Representative Democracy, and if I recall we didn't even have that until some time after the constitution.
Yes. The United States was a democracy during the time of the Articles of Confederation. The United States was considered a republic at the time because the concept of a democracy was newly developed because of the French Revolution. The Founding Father had always intended to make the United States a republic because they wanted to distance themselves from the English monarchy.
16 times
How many time does the word world appear in 1 john
As many as needed. It is time.
No women did sign the constitution. the time of that was before the women was alowed anny rights.
Reason: Lack of Patient nurturing of political systems and institutions. Brief History of Democracy in Pakistan: 1. 1947 - Independence (immediately indulged in war with India) 2. 1956 - 1st Constitution framed (took 9 long years) 3. 1956 - 1st era of democracy 4. 1958 - DEMOCRACY SUSPENDED - 1st military coup - Ayub Khan 5. 1962 - 2nd Constitution framed 6. 1972 - 2nd era of democracy 7. 1973 - 3rd Constitution framed 8. 1977 - DEMOCRACY SUSPENDED - 2nd military coup - Zial ul Haq 9. 1988 - 3rd era of democracy 10. 1999 - DEMOCRACY SUSPENDED - 3rd military coup - Pervez Musharraf 11. 2008 - 4th era of democracy - present - 12. 2010 - wikileaks suggest the current government is under military influence As I said, it takes time for ANY government to "evolve" to an effective one - this law holds for any nation. One thing common to ALL successful nations is that they would have had a stable government for an extended period of time - whatever the system might be.
Over 9000!