239 times in the KJV Bible
2 times
299 times
The word "mother" is in the King James Version of the Bible 321 times in 293 verses. The word "mom" does not appear in the Bible.
About 60 times.
245 times.
'Teach' is found in the Bible 169 times.
The word "mother" is in the King James Version of the Bible 249 times. It is in 226 verses.
239 times in the KJV Bible
2 times
299 times
The word "mother" is in the King James Version of the Bible 321 times in 293 verses. The word "mom" does not appear in the Bible.
The word "mother" or "mothers" appears in the Bible almost 300 times
About 60 times.
314 times
28 times.
280 times