Depends on a lot of factors- but the average yield of well cultivated corn is 160 bushels per acre. A bushel of shelled, dried corn is 56 lbs. That is 8960 pounds, or about 4.48 tons.
Only .2 of a gallon of gas
How many bushels of what? Corn? Barley? Wheat? Rice? Please be more specific when asking these types of questions.
The cotton yield forecast is 685 pounds per acre, down 367 pounds from last year's yield. See the related link below.
That depends on the density of the material. 5 tons of styrofoam would be a lot thicker than 5 tons of lead.
It varies a lot depending on the condition of the corn crop, but 15 to 30 tons is common.
An acre is a constant unit of measurement - an acre of anything is equal to an acre of anything else.
For the 2009 crop season, Texas' average corn yield was 108 bushels per acre.
Generally speaking about 300 gallons per acre.
Average corn yield for the farms in 2012 to 2014 was 7.85 metric tons per hectare (125 bushels per acre). Average farm yields ranged from approximately 5.79 metric tons per hectare for one of the Brazilian farms (92 bushels per acre) to 10.75 metric tons per hectare for the Iowa farm (171 bushels per acre).
The five-year average corn yield for North Carolina is 109 bushels per acre.
Approximately 558,680 metric tons of corn are produced on 55,000 hectares of land.
On average 3,120 lbs per acre or 1.56 tons
water from the soil and and carbon dioxide from the air.
It depends on the size and weight of the tree(s).