

Best Answer
  • Exodus
  • Leviticus
  • Numbers
  • Deuteronomy
  • Joshua
  • Judges
  • 1 Samuel
  • 1 & 2 Chronicles
  • Ezra
  • Nehemiah
  • Psalms
  • Micah
  • Luke
  • Acts
  • Hebrews

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Q: In what books of the Bible is Aaron mentioned?
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Which books of the bible is Aaron found?

In the traditional Christian bible, Aaron is mentioned in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

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How many times is Aaron mentioned in the Bible?

350 times in the King James Version of the Bible.

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What book of the bible mentions Aaron the most?

Aron is mentioned the most in the book of Exodus.

What books in the bible isn't Noah mentioned?

Almost all of them.

Is Ancient Egypt mentioned in many holy books?

Egypt is mentioned positively in the 3 holy books ; Torah , Bible and Quraan .

Who was harun alais salaam?

Harun, was the brother of Prophet Moses, and is also mentioned in the Bible as Aaron.

Who is miriam in The Bible?

The Miriam that is mentioned in the Bible is the sister of Aaron and Moses. She is the person that put her brother in the water, so that he wouldnâ??t be killed.

What books of the bible can one find information about Methuselah?

Methuselah is mentioned in the book of Genesis. Specifically, his story can be found in Genesis 5:21-27, where it describes him as the son of Enoch and the longest-lived person in the Bible, living to be 969 years old.

Where all can you find Jesus' name mentioned in the Bible?

Jesus' name is mentioned 973 times in the Bible (KJV). It is not hard to find. His name is mentioned in all 27 books of the New Testament.

In how many books of the bible are angels mentioned?

The phrases "choirs of angles" and "choir of angles" do not appear anywhere in the KJV bible. Nor are there anywhere the words "angel" and "choir" appear in the same verse.