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No, the noun 'committee' is not a compound noun.

A compound noun is a word made of two or more individual words that merge to form a noun with a meaning of its own. An example of a compound noun is committeeman.

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Q: Is Committee a compound noun
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Is the word committee a collective or a compound noun?

The noun 'committee' is a collective noun as a word for a group of people.The noun 'committee' is not a compound noun. A compound noun is a noun made up of two or more words that form a noun with a meaning of its own; for example, bathtub, hot dog, or tee-shirt.

What is correct - the forms committee is experienced or The Forms Committee is experienced?

The compound noun 'forms committee' is a common noun, a general word for a group of people who review forms. The correct form is: "The forms committee is experienced."

Does the sentence the committee are voting this after noon use a collective noun with correct verb agreement?

The subject noun does not agree with the verb, the noun 'committee' is a singular noun which take the verb for singular: "The committee is...", not "The committee are..."The sentence, "The committee are voting this after noon." does not contain a collective noun.A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole in a descriptive way. A collective noun is a function of a noun, not a form of a noun.The word 'committee' is often used as a collective noun, but in the example sentence, it is not grouping anyone or anything. Examples of 'committee' as a collective noun:The committee of employees is voting this afternoon.The committee of students is voting this afternoon.Please note that the noun 'afternoon' is a closed compound noun, not an open spaced compound noun.

What is the collective noun committee described as?

The noun 'committee' is used as a collective noun for a committee of vultures.

Is the word committee a collective noun?

The word 'committee' is used as a collective noun for a committee of vultures.

How many proper noun on this sentence Elias and his committee still prefer the old-type spindle file?

The nouns in the sentence are:Elias (a proper noun)committeefile (or spindle file as a compound noun)

Is committee a plural noun?

No, committee is a singular noun. The plural form is committees.

Is committee abstract?

The noun 'committee' is a concrete noun, a word for a group of people.

Is committee abstract or concrete noun?

The noun 'committee' is a concrete noun, a word for a physical group of people.

Is committee a concrete or abstract noun?

The noun 'committee' is a concrete noun, a word for a physical group of people.

Is committee a concrete noun?

Yes, the noun 'committee' is a concrete noun, a word for a physical group of people.

What kind of noun does have on this sentence Elias and his committee still prefer the old-type spindle file?

"Elias and his committee still prefer the old-type spindle file."The nouns are:Elias, proper nouncommittee, common nounspindle file, common, compound noun