Paper. If you want a more specific answer, ask a more specific question. i am just adding that he most probably means, what can you make with paper (origami wise)? but the thing is i don't know all of them that is why i asked this question.
Depends on the value assigned teach question - not all question values are the same.
Not all paper has the same thickness or size, but if you are using the most usual type of paper, you can mail four sheets with one regular stamp.
No. The square is all on one flat surface, like a piece of paper, but a cube has height off of the paper. When you set the cube down on the piece of paper, the place where it touches the paper is a square, but there's a lot more to it than that.
The total number of slips of paper with vowels written on them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The total number of slips of paper This is assuming that the probability of pulling out each individual slip is the same for all slips.
This question makes absolutely no sense to me at all!!! Does anybody else feel the same?
I want 2nd year history board all old question paper question paper (BANGALORE UNIVERSITY)
No way! Not at all but that's a funny question!
Answer the question rhymmes and you will find the answer!
Yes, they are. They may be taught differently, but they are all the same type of classes.
She likes you! How can you not know that?
All the IITs combine and set the question paper - always.
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In Frisco Independent School District, (and a few others) AP and honors classes are out of a 6.0, and regular classes are on a 5.0. For example, if you got a 100% in all your classes, and all your classes were AP classes, you would have a 6.0 GPA. However, if you had 90% in those same classes, you would have a 5.0 GPA, which is equivalent to having all 100% in regular/standard classes.
Yes, they will teach the same thing. All CPR classes are mandated to teach the same techniques and information.