Symbol is noun. The adjective is symbolic, symbolically is an adverb, symbolize is a verb.
Cautious IS an adjective. An adjective is an action!
The word "it" is not an adjective (it is a pronoun). A word is an adjective if it modifies (defines, characterizes) a noun or pronoun. The big tent - big is an adjective He is tall - tall is an adjective This key - this (while arguably called a determiner) is a demonstrative adjective
Remarkable is an adjective.
Hard is an adjective.
Symbol is a noun.
No, 'devotion' is a noun. Adjectives are words which describe nouns (people, places, things, and ideas) or other adjectives. Devotion does not serve that function, but rather, it stands alone as a symbol for an idea.
Yes, icon is a noun; a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a symbol, a thing.
Phosphorous is an adjective that means "relating to or containing phosphorus." Phosphorus is a chemical element with the symbol P and atomic number 15.
Latin adjective "ferreus" means: iron, hard, ferrous, cruel, unfeeling, heartless
an hospital is spelled 'un hôpital' in French addition : the ^ symbol on vowels is the evidence of the former presence of an s in old french. The s sometimes appears in the adjectives making the ^ disappear. the adjective of "un vêtement" (a cloath) is "vestimentaire" the adjective of hôpital is "hospitalier" forêt (forest) >>>> forestier etc...
I suspect you mean "großen ." The symbol resembling B is actuallya double "s" (and this word can also be spelled "grossen." It is form of the adjective "big."
No, it is a verb or a noun (to go around, to surround; a round shape). The adjective form is circular.
It is an adjective.It is a an adjective.
No. It is not an adjective. An adjective describes something.
Cautious IS an adjective. An adjective is an action!
it is an adjective!