73 books in the Bible There are 67 books in the Protestant Bible.
It is a protestant bible in German, they have it in asnother way.
Isaiah, 66Answer 2In protestant Bible.
The Protestants do not think any books are missing from their Bible.
There are many Protestant translations, but the most common are the NIV and the KJV.
The typical Protestant Bible excludes the Apocrypha.
No, it is a Protestant Bible.
The Protestant Bible is missing a number of books that are included in the Catholic Bible. Also, there are a number of passages in the Protestant Bible that have been altered a bit to agree with Protestant theology.
The Geneva Bible was printed in 1560 AD. It is considered the "Bible of the Protestant Reformation". It was also called the "Breeches Bible". It was a major translation of The Bible by a group of Protestant scholars.
The Protestant Reformation attempted to relate the Bible to believers. By doing this people could read the bible themselves and understand the word of God.
It is a protestant bible written in German.
Because it is a Protestant Bible.
The Protestant Reformation is called Protestant because it meant pro-Testimony, back to the Bible and not protest.Roman Catholic AnswerBecause protestant is what resulted from the "reformers" protesting the Church. Unfortunately they did not get "back to the Bible", as a matter of fact, they mutilated the Bible by throwing whole books out of it, and mistranslating it.
The Protestant Bible has no specific name associated with it, other than "the Bible" or "the Holy Bible." The distinction is usually in the content; the Protestant Bible omits the Apocrypha and the Deuterocanonical books usually included in Roman Catholic texts. Both Catholic and Protestant Bibles come in a wide variety of translations.
No. In Christian Bible there is 73 books - but Protestant Bible have 66 books.
73 books in the Bible There are 67 books in the Protestant Bible.
The New Jerusalem Bible is Catholic.