Example sentence - We had ample food supplies for the camping trip we were about to embark on.
How about: "Someone asked me for a sentence using the word derivative."
Can you give sentence by using abyss word?
She was asked to tie the rope in a knot.
Any time! I would use any words that I want to make up a sentence.
My brother had to deem his bad choices. I want to deem in myself to succeed.
deem = to judge, to regard as eg I deem him worthy of promotion because he has excelled this year
this is a sentence using the word armchair.
To deem means to judge, estimate, or regard. Here are some sentences.I deem that the time is right for action.Do you deem the cookies ready to come out of the oven?I deem him to be guilty as charged.
Yes of course;"Can you make a sentence using the word patriarchy?" hahahh. that was funny.
Yes, a sentence can be made using the word "subaquatic". An example in a sentence of the word in the sentence "a marginal subaquatic flora".
can u make a sentence with weary in it.
This sentence does not make any sense.
Your teacher taught you what the word meant. I taught you how to make a sentence.
Yes, you can make a sentence using the word infanticide.
Yes, it is possible to make a sentence using the word procession. See... I just made one.
A sentence using the word element in it: There is 50 kinds of different elements