His method to figure out the difficult algebra equation was sucessful.
The answer was somewhat disappointing. A somewhat unusual method was used to decide the contest winner.
In science class, we learn the scientific method.
use aver in a sentence
use the word rigorousness in a sentence
there are two uses that I know of for methodone would be a way of doing something: "He taught me his method of cleaning the bathroom."the other is used in programming. "The string was passed to the findWord method."don't worry too much about the second one...
Which METHOD you will use to solve this question?
I am now going to use the words in a sentence....The Scientific Method is good to use while reading my scence book
I am now going to use the words in a sentence....The Scientific Method is good to use while reading my scence book
His didactic method was superb.
"the method was very Complex"
theocracy is the government method in Islam.
Because I am willing to adapt, I will adopt your method.
You just did. Just change "the word scientific method..." to "the TERM scientific method". Or you could say "That's not following the scientific method."
for my science fair project i had to use scientific method
A common method of attachment utilizes an ultrasonic transducer.
I used the Socratic method to engage my students in a discussion about the history of philosophy.