When the bible talks about Jonah and the big fish, it is in the book Jonah in the old testament.
None. The name Midas is not found anywhere in Scripture.
No it does not say so.
There is no difference.
The Sacred Scripture
When the bible talks about Jonah and the big fish, it is in the book Jonah in the old testament.
There is nothing in the Bible about this.
Abraham is in Genesis chapters 12 to 23, and ch.25.
There is a scripture that talks about not being involved in war in 1Corintinans 10:3,4
Matthew 4:8-11
None. The name Midas is not found anywhere in Scripture.
The Revelation chapter of the Bible scripture references the new species.
Any verse in the Bible is considered scripture.
The most important passage in Scripture which deals with entry to the Kingdom of Heaven is Jesus' discussion with Nicodemus about our spiritual birth. See question "What is Baptism""