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Well first of all you spelt pie wrong the mathmetical term of pi is spelt pi. It is also what you use to measure the radius of a circle.

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Q: What are facts about pie?
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four is a even number. it is the 3rd digit of pie

What do you call a chart that helps us compare facts and numbers or quantities?

pie chart

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to secure male suffrage and the right for people to vote

How do I use pie in geometry?

A pie chart is used to compare facts with each other visually in the form of a circle whereas pi is used for example in finding the area of a circle.

Is pizza a pie of a cake?

Pizza is in fact a type of pie! That's why in Italy, they say "Pizza pie" instead of plain "Pizza".Think about it! Pizza format might have changed dramaticly, but it still has the CRUST, like pies do. Then, instead of a DESERTY mixture in the crust, there is a CHEESE AND SAUCE (sometimes toppings) mixture in the crust.

How is the Sinoh Pokedex upgraded to the National Pokedex in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Picking up the National Dex Once you've seen the first 150 Pokemon in Sinnoh, you can upgrade your Pokedex to the "National Pokedex" where there aren't 150 slots to fill, but over 400. Now, simply head to Sandgem Town, one of the first locales, and the hometown of Professor Rowan and his Pokemon research lab.

How many emperor penguins were there in 1990?

Pie pie pie pie pie pie pie.

What do you call a chart that compares facts and numbers?

The correct answer is a graph. There are a lot of graphs such as line, bar, and circle, or pie, hat help compare quantities.

Facts about what China did in World War 2?

they sat on their hands until they were numb and then ate pie