Jan ernest matzeliger birthday
There are no existing records to show that Jan Matzeliger ever courted or married.
Jan E. Matzeliger invented the shoe- lasting machine.
He is male (a boy)
There is no record of Jan Matzeliger having said a famous quote. He was known for his invention of the shoe lasting machine, which revolutionized the shoe industry.
Jan ernest matzeliger birthday
Yes, Jan Matzeliger had one daughter named Julia Matzeliger.
There are no existing records to show that Jan Matzeliger ever courted or married.
Jan E. Matzeliger invented the shoe- lasting machine.
jan matzelinger
what year did Jan matzeliger become an stock holder for his manufacturing company
Jan Ernst Matzeliger Date of death is 24 August 1889
This Girl He Knew Name Emily Johson . They Grew Up Together And Had Three Children Named Jan E. Matzeliger Jr. , Sofie Marie Matzeliger , and The Youngest Brain E. Matzeliger.
Jan Matzeliger's grave is located at Lynn's Pine Grove Cemetery in Lynn, Massachusetts, United States.