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pinch, dash, hint, suggestion, smidgeon, iota, trace, speck

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Q: What are some slang terms for tiny bit?
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What are some Australian slang?

Your looking a bit green there mate

What is the difference between ciboulot and caboche?

Ciboulot and caboche are slang - or very familiar- terms for 'head'. Both terms are a bit outdated today. They have a similar meaning. Ciboulot and caboche both hints for some thickness of judgement, maybe some additional stubborness for caboche.

Is there is some chemical in Coca Cola?

not ecsacly there is a tiny weeny bit

What is a tiny bit of land called?

A tiny bit of land is called a plot or a parcel.

What is smaller than a bit?

A little bit. (Tiny bit)

A bit cracked-synonym?

If by "a bit cracked " you mean " a little crazy," some slang synonyms are coo-coo, loopy, funny, touched, off-the-wall.

How can you tell that whales are mammals.?

They're warmblooded animals that breathe air. They have a tiny bit of hair. Some have hair throughout their lives, and some only have it when they're tiny babies.

What is a bit of crumpet?

A bit of crumpet is a slang term for a sexually desirable woman.

Does space still have a tiny tiny bit of air?

no, its empty

Does Tracy Beaker Wear make up?

yes she does she wears some bronsera tiny bit of foundation and some blusher

Is wee bit and tiny bit the same thing?


What is an idiom for a tiny bit?
