Raised, lifted, etc.
Patience is a noun.
The adjective form of patience (noun) is patient.
patience is the capacity of being tolerant and even tempered perseverance.
The adverb form for the noun patience is the adverb form of the adjective patient: patiently.(or the negative adverb, impatiently)
Raised, lifted, etc.
The word irritable works. There are quite a few synomyms.
if you are asking for synomyms they are: Chanukiah Hanukkiah kinara candelabra candle holder
In various contexts, some synomyms of "accentuate" are emphasize, stress, feature, highlight and show off.
well, i know some synomyms for the word tools gear and last but not least GADGETS
the words Hispanic and Latino, in modern usage, are synomyms for the same thing.
Synonyms for the adjective appealing would include intriguing, attractive, and inviting. Synomyms for the verb appealing would be entreating or soliciting.
Synomyms include- headland neck of land finger of land and cape. Sorry that I couldn't provide any antonyms!!
patients, patience
The noun patience is the abstract noun for the adjective patient. A few prepositions could be used with this noun, including of (the quality of patience), for (the pastor asked for patience), and with (working with patience).