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Q: What are the names of all five of your fingers in marathi?
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Related questions

What is the set of all fingers?

A set of five fingers is the "hand," and when referring to all ten fingers, you can use the term "digits" (which, while it could apply to the toes as well, seldom does).

Do monkeys and gorillas have 5 fingers?

Yes, all primates (apes, monkeys, lemurs, etc) have five fingers per hand and five toes per foot.

How do you do E on the recorder?

Low E: Put your fingers on all first five holes and the hole at back as well. High E: Put your fingers on all first five holes and HALF the hole at back.

How many fingers and toes do apes have?

Pretty much all mammals (including the other apes) have five fingers on each hand (as well as five toes on each foot). Even whales have the finger bones of five fingers within their flippers.

What is name of all 5 fingers in Hindi?

The names of the five fingers in Hindi are: Thumb - अंगूठा (Angootha) Index finger - तर्जनी (Tarjani) Middle finger - मध्यमा (Madhyama) Ring finger - अनामिका (Anaamika) Little finger - कनिष्ठिका (Kanishthika)

Who has 5 fingers on the Simpson's?

All of the characters (except God & Jesus) have three fingers & a thumb.

What word describes a woman who does not have all her fingers in one hand?

A normal woman with 5 fingers in each hand.

Why do The Simpsons have 4 fingers on each hand?

Because four fingered characters are easier to draw than five fingered characters. Generally the more cartoonish a character is they will have 4 fingers. The more realistic, they'll have five. There are exceptions of course, after all, the South Park boys have been shown with five fingers.

I ask Who make you add 2 in 2 why make answer 4?

Well, it's like your fingers. You have 2 hands with five fingers each. So 5+5=10 figers like 2 fingers+2 fingers=4 fingers in all.

How many fingers should you be able to fit in a 13 year old girl?

all five do it

How do you play E on the recorder?

Low E: Put your fingers on all first five holes and the hole at back as well. High E: Put your fingers on all first five holes and HALF the hole at back.

What are some chinese domain names?

There are five major Chinese domain names to choose from. All the domain names end in cn. The five major domain names are cn, com, net, org, and finally cn.